Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Movie Was Awesome!!!

So my husband and I went to the movie The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (like you didn't know which movie I was going to write about...haa haa!!) last night and it was so awesome seeing the blanket on the big screen!!! I had read the short story so kind of knew part of the story line. We sat with anticipation as the previews were shown and then when the movie started I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see the blanket. As soon as I saw it I had tears in my eyes, knowing that something that I had made was on this big huge screen. I looked and remembered every stitch and every yarn hank that we had to roll into balls for the blankets. My husband who has supported me through this entire thing was there holding my hand just as excited as I was!!! I still am so thankful to God for allowing me to participate in such a amazing experience!!


Gretchen said...

Congratulations! It's always a warm feeling you get when something you've made gets any kind of recognition. I am a knitter myself and have to tell you that the blanket is getting world wide attention on!

Also as a knitter, I would like to nudge you a little towards selling the pattern, I know there are quite a few knitters out there who would buy it!


donna said...

I hope you decide to sell your pattern. I'd love to buy it and make the blanket-it's beautiful!

oopsudroppedthis said...

I'm going to see the movie soon and I'll watch for the blanket. That must be so exciting! Didn't you just want to stand up and shout, "I made that!" I'm so happy for you :)

Sheri said...

Thank you so much ladies!!

Gretchen, it will be a crochet pattern if I can ever get it written up. I wish I could knit!! Everything I see that is knitted is soooo gorgeous!

Donna, thank you!! I'm working on it. I think I still need to check with the movie company to make sure that everything is in the clear.

Sheila...I think the poor people next to me were wondering why I was getting so excited and crying when the movie was just STARTING!! lol!! They probably thought that lady is a FREAK!! The good news for me is I cut my hair (bangs and layers) before the movie and after all the local publicity so hopefully no one recognized me!! Haa!! Haa!!